Sunday, October 25, 2009


We have put an offer on a house and it has been accepted!! Well, with a counter offer and we provided a counter offer as well.

Seeing that this is a bank holiday weekend, we can't start our due diligence yet. Hoping that all the due diligence (finance,building report, title checks) will come back OK and we could be in our new house early Dec!! Settlement date is 2nd of December, just days before Aiman's birthday.

Praying hard!! I am a believer if it meant to be, it will be, so hopefully if it falls through, I won't be too disappointed :(

But we do need to move soon, with Summer just around the corner, I am struggling to keep the kids amused. We are hoping in the new house, it will be easy for me to entertain the kids, allowing Noorwan to focus on his study

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