Last night my dear DH tanya awat lama x update??
Hmm mmg lama pun, I read other people's blog everynight, tapi dah lama x update mine
Selalu update time pagi2 sementara nak tunggu masuk kja
Tapi since christmas haritu..library bukak 8.30am, time tu dah nak masuk kerja
Waktu kerja pulak, takkan nak update blog with lost of people overlooking on my shoulder. Ward 34 punya staff room punya la busy with lots of people around. Our Hamilton Huntly Doctors Room x dak PC, leceh, lain semua gara2 our cons amek pc bawak masuk bilik dia la..sebab he's a new cons kot, belum dapat his own pc
Lagi satu, Dr Kumar ni macam pulun malas nak mai lambat, every morning ada MDT
A lot has happened since my last entry..dah buat house warming, we went strawberry picking, blueberry picking, pergi hobbiton tempat shooting LOTR, pi beach, malaysian picnic at the lake..macam2 lagi laa..
I am going back to malaysia in 2 weeks time. Last min, x plan pun, tiket baru beli minggu lepas..melayang 4 ribu huuuhuhuh..Lepas ni lambat lagi kot baru balik..
Going on my own with the kids..not sure if I am looking forward to that or not!!
1 year ago
Lama tak update....kalau sempat buat entry mesti best coz banyak aktiviti yg menarik tu.... :-)
alamak sorry lambat reply, x perasan ada komen.. day (bilaaaa tuuu) I'll do a backdated entry fid ni pemalas nak upload gambar sebenarnya huhuhuh..
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