Lately aiman macam x semangat nak pi daycare..
LAst week x pi 2 hari sebab konon x sihat
Hari Rabu, nampak macam x sihat,apyrexial though. So daddy ambik sick leave. But daddy said he was fine.Main macam biasa etc. He promised to go to daycare on Thurs and he went
On Friday, he woke up, nangis2 claimed that he wasn't well. Vomitted on my bed, checked his temp 38C, so I thought fine, if I sent him anyway kalau dia buat monyok2 at daycare, they will send him home anyway, lagi leceh,harder for me to cancel my clinic. At this time daddy dah selamat on his way to Tauranga for his peripheral clinic. I rang my practice manager, tgk2 dia pun cuti sakit..spoke to the receptionist, Chrissy, she said she can easily divert my patients to other I stayed at home with both of them. x hantaq aliya sebab malas nak pi umah Janifal..
Weekend- happy la both of us x kerja..
This morning, I dropped both daddy and him at daycare.Just got a text msg from daddy saying that Aiman macam x seronok, sayu saja muka..last Mon pun macam tu, but I thought he was unwell, sebab weekend haritu time hari Ahad, he had temperature
Lately Aiman x enjoy sangat pi sekolah..dulu2 Aiman geng dgn Riley, Tuplu, Anay, Yash Sean and Ashton..but depa2 ni older than him. Apart from Yash..kat NZ ni, you starts school as soon as you turns 5, bukan macam kat malaysia where semua orang start serentak..
So geng2 dia ni dah start sekolah..Yash pulak, mak dia tukaq pi public kindy sebab mak dia cuti bersalin, so nak jimat duit sikit..Ashton recently started school, tinggal la Aiman sorang of the geng tu..
La ni dia dah x dak geng2 dia, dia macam x semangat la.. x sangka sungguh budak2 pun ada preference nak kawan dgn siapa etc..
Pagi tadi pun dia x dak mood bila gerak dia..sebab dia tau kena pi sekolah..
Ohh lagi the last month or two, 2 of his teachers, Ange and Robyn pindah tukar kerja kat tempat lain..rasanya ni pun faktor penyumbang kepada ketidak happy-an aiman kat daycare..kalau depa ada mungkin dia ok sikit
I really don't know what to do. Takkan nak tukar pi daycare lain? Bulan 2 tahun depan Aiman dah nak masuk sekolah, so kalau pindah, less than a year. Nak hantar kat Janifal, he will be bored stiff kat sana..Tapi kesian la kalau he's not happy.. I don't know what to do..sob sob..
Aiman ni sensitive things like this will effect him dearly..
1 year ago
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